Listen 04, God Bless America

June 5 - 28, 2015

One Grand Gallery is thrilled to present international artist, Listen04’s God Bless America. For the month of June, One Grand will venture into the absurd, obscene, and offensive to see what provokes people and gets their blood to boil. 1000 individual and original drawings paper the walls. It is hilarious. It is cringe-worthy. It overloads the senses. It is freedom of expression in fine form.

This is a human sacrifice. Kindly leave if you were looking for something nice. Listen04 struggles for air drowning his prodigious fingers in several hues of the ugly truth. Born and raised in the back of beyond, he prefers to remain the anonymous outsider looking in. In his world we are all fucking disgusting. Toying with your fears and desires with a childlike ebullience, 04 cross fades the icons we talk about all day with thoughts we cannot even face alone.

The leveraging of celebrity and their canvas sized vulnerabilities is a separate art altogether. You will not have seen it bastardized like this before, prepare to laugh 1000 times. This is Vivian Maier shit. It's the meat you can't feed babies. It's ahead and it's now. Peppered with fleshy pieces of niche erotica and rap rhetoric, Listen04’s work is high in the sky conversation. These works represent the narrow realm of free thought in conversation with hip hop’s ying-yanged stasis of progress and naiveté. Listen04 is an alien and a friend, an artful dodger who is essentially researching an iconoclast self. Do not miss out if you miss the charm of everything else.


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