Love It or Leave It

July 4 - 25, 2014

In observation of Independence Day, and as a celebration of the history and design of the symbol that has come to represent The United States, One Grand Gallery is excited to present a group exhibition interpreting The American Flag as its subject matter.

The exhibit will consist of 50 original flag interpretations from 50 different artists, each of whom has considered what our flag has come to mean to them, and also what they would want it to represent. The Star-Spangled Banner has always been a symbol of nationalism. It is a representation of our triumphs, honor, and confederacy. It is displayed in homes, businesses, and schools nationwide. It is even on the moon. Originally designed by a 17-year-old high school student, Robert G. Heft, the 50 state flag has remained unchanged since 1959.

The simplicity of the design belies the complexity of all the flag has come to symbolize. In honor of Independence Day, We have selected a talented group of artists including James Arizumi, David Cook, Cody Hudson, Allister Lee, and Jim Riswold, to participate in Love It or Leave It. Our goal is to examine, reflect on, and rethink this symbol and what it stands for to us as individuals. Let us imagine a flag that not only represents where we came from, but where we want to be

This exhibition was also showcased at Gallery 2312 in Seattle, WA from August 2 - September 24, 2014.

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